Ann E. Henderson
Ann Henderson was born and raised in Salt Lake City. After teaching in a small Southwestern Colorado school district for six years, Henderson moved to Brigham City, Utah in 1983 to teach non-credit family and consumer science programs for the Utah State University extension service. This endowed scholarship was established in 1998 by College of Social Work Professor Emeriti Helen R. Henderson in memory of her mother, Elizabeth McDonald Richards. Granddaughter Ann Henderson continues the family legacy. Henderson’s grandmother, Elizabeth McDonald Richards, had immigrated to the United States from Scotland when she was only about 13 years old. Occupied with the duties of caring for her younger brothers and sisters, she was unable to attend school. When she grew up, she had three children of her own, two of whom eventually earned master’s degrees. “She didn’t have much education,” said Henderson, “but she worked really hard to keep her family going and to make it possible for them to get an education.”