Rosemarie Wintle Scholarship

The College of Science is pleased to announce the Rosermarie Wintle Scholarship to be awarded to a graduate student in the College of Science pursing a PhD.
Every other year this scholarship is awarded to a College of Science student and a School of Medicine student.

The award in the amount of $9,500 will be given to a graduate student interested in research for 2022-23 academic year. The terms of the Wintle Endowed Scholarship agreement designates a preference for awarding the scholarship to a first-generation college student.

Applicants must

  • Have matriculated as a graduate student in the College of Science no earlier than Fall 2018 and have at least 1 year remaining in their graduate program.
  • Have advanced to candidacy in their graduate program.
  • Be actively engaged in graduate research activities.

Note that this scholarship does not have a citizenship/permanent residency requirement.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Prepare a one-page personal statement describing your background, academic interests, career objectives, and professional goals.
  2. Prepare a one-page summary of research project and expected outcomes.
  3. Upload a current CV that lists educational institutions, awards, publications, and presentations.
  4. Provide name and email address of your research advisor so they can provide a reference letter.