Department of Chemistry General Scholarship Application

The Chemistry Department General Scholarship Application allows for students to be considered for the Ragsdale and Kronstadt Scholarships.

  • The Ragsdale Scholarship
    These $5000 awards will be announced at the Chemistry Spring Awards Program. Applicants must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.30 and be enrolled or have completed the second semester of science majors’ organic chemistry. Usually the initial stipend (60% of the award) is applied to fall semester’s tuition charges. Any positive difference will be remitted to the recipient. Recipients must be enrolled in 12 credit hours each semester. Chemistry major recipients must complete 4 semester credit hours of research (2 hours per each Fall and Spring semester). A short update on research activities performed in fall semester should be submitted by the first day of Spring semester to the Ragsdale Professor of Chemical Education to receive the remaining portion of the scholarship. For research performed in spring semester the deadline is the first day of Summer semester. All materials must be uploaded directly from the respondents to Chemistry Scholarship Canvas course. A chemistry teaching major will receive the $5000 award upon registering for their final year of student teaching responsibilities. This scholarship does not pay fees.
  • The Kronstadt Scholarship:
    This award is available to residents and non-residents, and provides the full cost of up to 15 semester credit hours at the resident tuition rate (fees not covered); non-Utah resident recipients would be responsible for the additional expenses. Applicants must have completed two semesters of college-level coursework prior to the first semester of receipt of the scholarship. AP and concurrent enrollment classes will not be counted as college-level coursework. Both academic merit and demonstrated financial need are considered for this award. Particular preference will be given to students who are materially disadvantaged, face serious socio-economic barriers to their pursuit of education, are first generation college students, and/or are members of an underrepresented group. As a condition of this scholarship, recipients must participate in 4 semester hours of a research project under the direction of a Chemistry Department faculty member, commencing with at least 2 hours in the first semester of the award. An indication, from the overseeing faculty member, of satisfactory progress by the student must be received in order for the second semester of support to be granted. A final written report must also be submitted by the student. Recipients are also required to provide a minimum of four hours per month in outreach efforts for the Department of Chemistry, generally through meetings with students in elementary, middle, and high schools. All materials must be uploaded directly from the respondents to Chemistry Scholarship Canvas course. Recipients are eligible to reapply for this scholarship in subsequent years but do not receive priority as renewal candidates.

To APPLY complete the General Application and hit submit. Once you complete the General Application, you can search for the Department of Chemistry General Scholarship Application and click the red “Apply” button.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please write a brief personal history including academic and professional goals.
  2. Upload your most current CV/Resume.
  3. Describe any research experience, community involvement, and university activities.
  4. List all previous and current scholarships, awards, and honors. Include start and end dates and amounts of awards if applicable.
  5. I am applying for:
  6. Some Chemistry Department scholarships require participation in a chemistry research group. Will you be actively involved in research no later than the upcoming Fall semester?
  7. If you are currently involved in undergraduate research list the name of the Research Faculty Member and the title of the research project.
  8. How do you plan to participate in chemistry outreach efforts?
  9. Lower division Chemistry courses
    • Select the completed General Chemistry courses
    • Select the completed Organic Chemistry courses
  10. List other college level Chemistry courses completed and final grades.
  11. Upload current Degree Audit
  12. Select your expected date of graduation from the University of Utah.
  13. 1st Letter of Recommendation
  14. 2nd Letter of Recommendation
  15. Show 9 more