Linguistics Department Scholarship

Available to undergraduate linguistics majors with a 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher.

Must be a Utah resident, entering freshmen, transfer or continuing students seeking a first bachelor’s degree. Students seeking a second bachelor’s degree are not eligible. The recipient will receive $2500 per semester (fall and spring) for a total of $5000. This funding must be applied toward the cost of tuition only. The recipient must maintain full-time student status during the year of the award.

Contact Shantel de Arraiz at if you have any questions.

Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your expected graduation date?
  2. Please submit your degree audit. For freshmen, who are entering the University directly from high school, and for transfer students, please submit a copy of your transcripts.
  3. Please upload your statement of purpose that is approximately one to two pages in length and includes the following: (a) your background in linguistics to include the classes that you have taken in the Department, (b) an outline of your proposed schedule of courses for the academic year of the award with an explanation of how they relate to your goals, (c) a description of your involvement in linguistics separate from your classes, such as leadership positions you have held or your involvement in UUSCIL, the Linguistics Club, and (d) a statement about your future plans and how the field of linguistics enters into them. You may include other information that you believe is relevant.