Heidi and Greg Miller Single-Parent Scholarship Cohort

The Heidi and Greg Miller Single Parent Cohort Scholarship at the University of Utah was set up to help defray the cost of higher education for undergraduate, single-parent students. The scholarships are intended to support students and cover tuition and fees associated with their first undergraduate degree. The scholarship award can also cover the cost of childcare, or other associated costs of attendance.

Miller scholars will be a part of a cohort and will be required to: meet with their WRC Education Navigator and attend in person cohort gatherings during the academic year for skill-building, support, community, and celebrations.

Applicants must:

  • Reside in the state of Utah and be able to participate in cohort gatherings
  • Identify as a single parent
  • Maintain at least 9 credit hours each semester, but scholars are encouraged to go full-time if they can
  • Have and maintain a GPA of at least 2.70, and
  • Demonstrate financial need as indicated by the FAFSA. (If a student is ineligible to fill out a FAFSA then they must complete the student aid estimator which can be found here https://studentaid.gov/aid-estimator/ and email financialaid@utah.edu a copy of that estimate and include the name of this scholarship and their UNID.)

Please note: Selected scholarship finalists will be invited to an interview with member(s) of the WRC scholarship selection committee before award decisions are made. This is a renewable scholarship year-to-year as long as the scholar maintains their GPA and is an active participant in the scholarship cohort.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you received a scholarship from the Women's Resource Center this year?
  2. Which WRC scholarship(s) have you received in the past?
  3. Are you a resident of Utah?
  4. Are you a single parent with primary care-giving responsibilities?
  5. Do you have dependent children under the age of 18?
  6. What was the grade point average (GPA) for your most recently completed semester?
  7. How many credit hours do you plan to enroll in for the upcoming semester?
  8. Which degree will you be working toward for this next academic year?
  9. Please write a brief personal statement, up to 500 words in length, discussing your academic, professional, and personal goals. Include attention to what is motivating you and actions you’ve taken, or plan to take, to accomplish these. Conclude by commenting on how a WRC scholarship would help you to continue your education and achieve your goals. Please do not include details which you have already shared in your U of U general application as these will be available to us when you submit this application.
  10. Please provide the name and email address of the person submitting a letter of reference on your behalf. Please note: the person writing you letter must upload it into AcademicWorks by the deadline.
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