The Marcia L Feldkamp, PA Scholarship in Physician Assistant Studies

Dr. Feldkamp, PA, MSPH, PhD is a graduate of our PA Medex Class 9 and has dedicated her career to the study of birth defects. Her interest in birth defect epidemiology began while working as a physician assistant and caring for women of reproductive age. Due to the limitations of existing data in Utah, Dr. Feldkamp led the efforts to develop a clinically based birth defects surveillance system within the Utah Department of Health. This was done as a means to conduct the research necessary to improve our understanding of pathogenesis and etiology. The Utah Birth Defect Network (UBDN) is a surveillance system that is population-based, statewide, and operates through active case-ascertainment of birth defects. Dr. Feldkamp was also one of several founding members of the National Birth Defects Prevention Network in 1997.

Anticipated Total

Anticipated total amount over the full term of this award.


Supplemental Questions
  1. Dr. Feldkamp, PA, MSPH, PhD has dedicated her career to birth defect epidemiology. Early on in her career she recognized that she had the ability to make a difference in the lives of those she served. What kind of interests do you have clinically? Do you recognize a need among the population you serve? What kinds of things can you do as a clinician to make a difference in the lives of your clients? Please use the questions above as a guide to write a 400 – 500-word essay in the box below.