WRC Non-traditional and/or Parenting Student Scholarship Application

This Women’s Resource Center application covers 5 scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year:

  • Beatrice F. Kroesche Memorial (undergraduate single parents)
  • Pete & Arline Harman Trust (undergraduate parents)
  • Simmons Family Foundation (undergraduate or graduate parents)
  • Osher Re-entry (undergraduate non-traditional students)
  • Crankstart Re-entry (undergraduate non-traditional students)

Please make sure to review all of the eligibility requirements for each of these on our website here: https://womenscenter.utah.edu/scholarships/overview.php


Supplemental Questions
  1. Please write a brief personal statement, up to 500 words in length, discussing your academic, professional, and personal goals. Include attention to what is motivating you and actions you’ve taken, or plan to take, to accomplish these. Conclude by commenting on how a WRC scholarship would help you to continue your education and achieve your goals. Please do not include details which you have already shared in your U of U general application as these will be available to us when you submit this application.
  2. Which scholarship(s) listed on our website (https://womenscenter.utah.edu/scholarships/overview.php) do you qualify for that you would like to be considered for? You can only be considered for ones you choose, so please check all that apply.
  3. Have you completed 24 or more credit hours at The University of Utah or another Higher Ed institution?
  4. Are you a single parent with primary care-giving responsibilities?
  5. Do you have dependent children under the age of 18?
  6. Do you have a gap in your education of 5 or more years?
  7. If you answered yes to the previous question, please list the dates of your gaps. Please list years only (e.g. 2010-2015 or 2012-2014 and 2018-2021).
  8. How many credit hours do you plan to enroll in for the upcoming semester?
  9. Are you taking ONLY in-person classes in the next academic year?
  10. Show 4 more