Darke Honors Essay Award

The Darke Honors Essay Award was established in honor of Roy A. Darke, Associate Clinical Professor of psychiatry at the University of Utah, School of Medicine. Recipients must be a rising junior or senior Honors student majoring in psychology. Students wishing to be considered for this award will write a brief essay addressing the following prompt: “Discuss the relationship between medicine and either the behavioral sciences or humanities”.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a member of the Honors College?
  2. Are you majoring in psychology?
  3. Will you be a junior or senior enrolled in the Honors College next fall?
  4. Please upload an unofficial copy of your University of Utah transcript. If this is your first semester at the University of Utah, please upload a PDF of your current degree audit instead.
  5. Compose a superior essay on the relationship between medicine and either the behavioral sciences or humanities. (500 to 1,000 words)