Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Award Application - Asia Center and Center for Latin American Studies

What is FLAS?

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships are federally funded awards offered through the University of Utah’s Asia Center and Center for Latin American Studies.


Why apply?

Academic year scholarships provide a $5,000 stipend and up to $10,000 in tuition and fees for undergraduate students, and a $15,000 stipend and up to $18,000 toward tuition and fees for graduate students.

Summer scholarships provide a $3,500 stipend and up to $5,000 in tuition and fees for summer intensive language programs.


Who can apply?

Undergraduate and graduate students from all majors and departments.


What languages are eligible?

Arabic, Chinese, Quechua/Kichwa, Hindi-Urdu, Japanese, Korean, Nahuatl, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Samoan, Tongan, and Vietnamese.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you applying through the Asia Center or the Center for Latin American Studies?
  2. Application Type:
  3. Which FLAS Award are you applying for?
  4. Name (as found on legal documentation):
  5. What name would you like us to use to refer to you during this fellowship?
  6. What is your UNID#?
  7. What is your permanent mailing address? (street, apt, city, state, zip)
  8. What is your U email address? (All award announcements and correspondence throughout the award period will be sent to your U email.)
  9. Are there any other email addresses that you check frequently?
  10. What is your phone number?
  11. Citizenship:
  12. For tuition purposes, will you be a resident or non-resident of the state of Utah during the FLAS Fellowship?
  13. Are you applying for a FLAS award from another institution that is not the University of Utah?
  14. If yes, indicate which university/universities and which language(s):
  15. Are you applying to additional institutions for a FLAS award? (If yes, indicate which university and language)
  16. Have you submitted a 2025-2026 FAFSA application? (required for FLAS application, those who complete the FAFSA will receive Award priority)
  17. Optional Demographic Information

    *** Due to the source of our funding for this grant (U.S. Department of Education), we request demographic information from our applicants that we may include in our reporting. Providing this information is voluntary/optional and will not have an impact on your eligibility.

    What is your gender identity?

  18. What pronouns would you like us to use in referring to you?
  19. Are you Hispanic or Latina/o/x/e (a person of Cuban, Mexican, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American origin, or from another Latin American country regardless of race)?

  20. Do you identify as, or have origins in, any of the indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America?
  21. If yes, please specify:
  22. Please place a check next to the racial categories that you most identify with:
  23. Other racial category that you identify with:
  24. Did your parent(s)/guardian(s) graduate from college?
  25. Have you served or are you currently serving in the U.S. Military?
  26. Language Information

    Language for which you are applying:

  27. If Other, please specify what language:
  28. What year language courses do you expect to take as a FLAS recipient?

    NOTE: Select the level you will begin if awarded, not what you are currently taking. For example, if you are currently enrolled in 1020, you would select 2nd year. Please keep in mind that in order to be eligible for FLAS, undergraduate students must apply for and plan to enroll in 2nd-year level language classes or higher. Graduate students who apply for and plan to enroll in 1st-year language classes must demonstrate advanced proficiency in another language of the region, or language related for their studies.

  29. Graduate Applicants Only

    If you are a graduate student applying to study a Asian or Latin American language at the 1st-year level, in what other Asian or Latin American language(s), or language(s) related for your studies, do you have advanced proficiency? If applicable, please list previous courses taken and/or placement test results.

  30. How many years have you studied the language you are applying for, and when did you study it? (Please indicate the number of years and corresponding dates, type NA if none).

    High School Years / Dates studied:

  31. Number of Undergraduate College Years / Dates studied:
  32. Number of Graduate School Years / Dates studied:
  33. Other Years / Dates studied:
  34. List all of the courses you have taken in the target language and grade received (in addition, please list other ways you have learned the language, e.g. spoken at home, lived abroad, tutoring, etc.).
  35. Language(s) spoken at home:
  36. Have you studied any languages other than those listed previously? (Specify):
  37. Academic Information

    Please list all Majors and Minors you are seeking:

  38. Academic Institutions

    List all the institutions of higher education you have attended, the dates you attended, and your cumulative GPA for each. For applicants who have not attended an institution of higher education, list your high school and GPA.

  39. Academic honors, scholarships, or memberships in honor societies. Please indicate the date received. Type "N/A" if none
  40. Relevant activities or research in which you have participated as a student. Type "N/A" if none
  41. Other federally-funded grants or fellowships you have applied for and/or received. Type "N/A" if none
  42. Publications, major papers, or theses you have written or presented. Please include the date. Type "N/A" if none
  43. Summer Intensive/Study Abroad (Summer FLAS applicants only)

    If you are planning to participate in a summer intensive FLAS eligible program please include the name, website, and a description of the program. Additionally, include the program’s costs (including tuition and fees) and ensure it meets Summer FLAS requirements ( ( ( before submitting your FLAS application. NOTE: The application process to the summer intensive language programs is separate from the FLAS application. Make sure to check the program's website for information on their academic calendar, application deadlines, and program costs. It is the student's responsibility to apply for admission to the summer intensive language programs.

  44. Summer Award Information: For Learning Abroad programs through the University of Utah, students will be held to the normal commitment deadlines posted on a program’s online brochure. Please note, applicants for any of the following programs will need to complete a Learning Abroad application, which includes a $500 initial payment, as well as an application with the program directly: SRAS, ISA, CIEE, and AMIDEAST. If you are applying to a non University of Utah program other than SRAS, ISA, CIEE, and AMIDEAST, completing a Learning Abroad application is not required. Applicants will need to check due dates for both Learning Abroad and their program, as these dates vary. Applicants to University of Utah faculty-led programs in Osaka, Japan, Tianjin, China, and Egypt will also need to complete the Learning Abroad application and pay the $500 initial payment fee. I have read and understand this information:
  45. Letters of Recommendation

    You must have two letters of recommendation. The strongest letters of recommendation come from professors and teachers that know you well. Having one letter to support your academic strengths and one to support your language learning skills is recommended, but not required.

    Letter of Recommendation #1 (It is recommended, though not required, that you enter the names and email addresses of your references at least two weeks before the application due date.)

  46. Letter of Recommendation #2 (It is recommended, though not required, that you enter the names and email addresses of your references at least two weeks before the application due date.)
  47. How did you learn about the FLAS Fellowship?
  48. Please provide a brief, 2-4 sentence, Bio describing your academic and professional goals
  49. FLAS recipients are prohibited from completing an internship during a FLAS award period. Additionally, FLAS money cannot be used to pay for internships. If awarded, do you agree to comply with this regulation?
  50. Statement of Purpose

    In no more than 500 words, provide a statement of purpose that describes how language proficiency and area studies expertise will enhance your educational and/or career goals. In describing your goals, please discuss your short-term and long-term goals. Please upload your typed Statement of Purpose.

  51. Upload PDF(s) of transcript(s) from all institutions of higher education you have attended (or your high school if you not attended an institution of higher education). If you are enrolled in courses for the Fall 2021 semester, please wait until those grades are reflected to request those transcripts.

    Note: File names can only include letters, numbers, a maximum of one period, and the following characters: _ -

    Transcript 1

  52. Transcript 2
  53. Transcript 3
  54. Transcript 4
  55. Transcript 5
  56. Transcript 6
  57. Transcript 7
  58. Transcript 8
  59. I certify that this information is true, complete, and given in good faith. I understand that if I receive the FLAS Award, I will be held accountable for the information disclosed in this application. Additionally, I understand that, if awarded, I must follow specific FLAS requirements that will be made available at a later date. These requirements include – but are not limited to – submitting a performance report to the US Department of Education as directed by the FLAS coordinator and completing language assessments at the beginning and end of the FLAS period.
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