Naval Science Scholarship

FOR NAVAL ROTC UNIT MEMBERS ONLY - no other applications will be considered.

The University of Utah Professor of Naval Science (PNS) established the Midshipmen Scholarship Program to recognize one or more Battalion members who represent the best of the Navy and Marine Corps by demonstrating both professional and personal dedication. 

Available scholarships include:

  • Ensign David J Martz Memorial Endowment
  • Midshipman Joseph Hance Henrie Naval Science Award
  • Naval Science Scholarship

Supplemental Questions
  1. Criteria
    • Are you a member of the University of Utah Midshipmen Battalion?
    • Do you have a record of disciplinary action within the last 12 months?
    • Have you been a member of the unit for one entire semester or 6 months?
  2. Data Sheet
    • Describe any other noteworthy achievements or accomplishments.
    • Have you been awarded any personal awards?
    • Have you been subject to a performance review board (PRB)? If so, list the reason and date.
    • List any community service or volunteer services in which you participate.
    • List any completed professional reading.
    • List the leadership positions you had or currently hold.
    • What is your cumulative aptitude mark?
    • What is your cumulative GPA?
    • What is your current academic major?
    • What summer training have you completed?
    • What was the date, score, and category (if applicable) of your most recent physical readiness test/physical fitness test (PRT/PFT)
    • What was your previous semester's aptitude marks?
  3. Why are you deserving of the Naval Science Scholarships? How will this scholarship aid you in your professional growth? What will happen if you do not receive this scholarship?