Gordon and Betty Browning Graduate Scholarship

In order to be eligible, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  1. The applicant must be a student in Health & Kinesiology, enrolled in part or all of the academic year during which this scholarship is awarded.
  2. The applicant must have demonstrated academic excellence. The following indices may be used to demonstrate such excellence:
  3. Cumulative G.P.A.
  4. Papers presented at international, national, district or state professional meetings
  5. Articles in submission, grants written but not funded, papers not accepted for presentation etc.
  6. Grants written (indicate whether the grant was funded and the amount)
  7. Published articles in refereed journals
  8. Professional service to Health & Kinesiology

Other Required Documents:

  • A personal statement that speaks to the scholarship applicant requirements.
  • A current resume/CV.

Please fully complete a General Scholarship Application and submit a personal statement and resume/CV to be considered for this award.

Varies - Dependent on fund availability
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please provide a personal statement (max 600 words) that addresses the following:
  2. Your passion for and interest in the field of public health, health education, and/or kinesiology.
  3. The criteria of the scholarship.
  4. Attach your resume or curriculum vitae. Be sure it includes: Your educational background, professional affiliations, awards received, research experience (presentations, publications, grants, fellowships), teaching experience, service to the University and/or the profession, and other key achievements.
  5. Optional - Any other supplemental documents you wish to include with your application, that are relevant to the applicant requirements. (.docx or .pdf file formats required)